Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition involves identification of faces, objects, words, melodies, etc. The visual system does more than just interpret forms, contours and colors. Pattern recognition refers to the process of recognizing a set of stimuli arranged in a certain pattern that is characteristic of that set of stimuli.

Is “pattern recognition” the latest buzzword to explain away sexism and ageism in the tech world? Or is it simple human nature? Could it be that investors are more comfortable investing/believing in founders who (a) look like them or (b) remind them of their younger selves? And since most investors are white men, well, that may explain the statistics.

There’s been so much written lately about gender issues in Silicon Valley whether it’s GitHub or RadiumOne. It’s obvious in this digital age that there are no secrets and that what you say (even in private, just ask Donald Sterling) and how you behave matter. I disagree with Sheryl Sandberg, Leaning In isn’t the answer. Standing up for yourself is. Women need to feel empowered to speak out without fear of retribution. Otherwise, nothing will change.

Ageism has also become an “issue” that’s getting some press. Another ugly truth that no one wants to admit to. This too needs to be addressed. Sure, companies are free to hire as they see fit but at times I wonder if this leaning towards youth doesn’t ignore experience. After all, technology is obviously the key but knowing how to get the word out, understanding distribution and monetization are areas where experience and connections matter. A lot.

So increasingly tech is looking more and more like Hollywood. The players may be different and the two grumble about each other but basically they have a lot more in common than either would like to admit. I can only hope that the culture in both industries will continue to evolve. That people will be judged based on their ability and not based on sex, age or race. I just hope I get to see this new, more balanced world in my lifetime.